Halt den Schnabel!

Halt den Schnabel

[Urs Schmidli]

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2 thoughts on “Halt den Schnabel!

  1. Hi, if you do not speak English , I hope you can use Google Translator to understand my message.

    Are you this person who claims to own the rights to the photo ? http://gigaom.com/2012/08/27/twitter-removes-client-sourcing-for-tweets-on-the-web/ – view the photo credits.

    As a fellow photographer, I wanted you to see how your image is being used. If the blue version of the two birds is yours then good. By the names and language on your site, it didn’t seem to match.

    The two birds is a wonderful concept that can be sold, I wanted to make sure someone didn’t steal your photo.

    If this is a stolen photo, you can ask for monetary payment. There have been several court cases in the US that have ruled in favor of the photographer and privided back payment.

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